Saturday, 17 March 2007


This is Izzy, the bear that belongs to Mitchell's preschool. Every weekend one of the kids gets to take Izzy home and then they put photos and drawings and things in a scrapbook so that everyone can see what they did over the weekend. Massie loves to eat Izzy, which is why the only photo we could get of them both was through the vents :) He's still at that teething stage and Mitchell's fluffy toys are his favourite if he ever gets a hold of them (which we make sure he doesn't!!)

Mitchell was so excited about bringing Izzy home, he tends to be a bit difficult about having his photo taken these days but as soon as he came home with Izzy he asked me to take some photos "for the book"... He is having so much fun at preschool and child care, we are so impressed and proud at how easily he has adapted and how well he is fitting in. He loves to get his clothes ready the night before and put them next to Daddy's work clothes. And he's eating so much these days I have to pack his lunch box to the brim. Most days he eats 2 sandwiches, 2 apples, 2 boxes of sultanas and a muesli bar. He's recently shot up 4 cm in the space of about a week though, so I guess he needs the fuel for all that growing, not to mention the running around like a lunatic he loves to do :) He takes his footy to school every day now and kicks that around for their outside free playing time.

He also sings a song called roly poly and he's just awfully cute when he sings it and does the actions. Not a lot of words, so easy for him to remember and he really loves it :) So exciting watching him grow into this lovely little boy (although of course there are moments where he drives us completely insane too!!!)

This is Mitchell's basketball ring, well the base of it anyway. This is actually where we normally put his basketball and I was packing things away outside the other day and was about to put the basketball down when I found this in the hole. Those green tree frogs are just so beautiful and there are several have taken up residence in our back yard for the wet season. And we are actually getting a real wet season now. After several weeks of no rain (and I realise this is unfortunately normal down south these days, but it generally does *not* happen up here during the wet), it has been raining every evening / night of late, just the way it's supposed to. The other night I thought the lightning was going to crack our house in half, but Mitchell slept through it all... And many of the roads are closed due to flooding although at this stage it's not flooding to be concerned about, it's just normal wet season flooding that occurs every year. The town is ready to evacuate if it comes to that though, you have to be, it was April last year when it flooded last and the whole main street was underwater, and no Woolworths means no groceries, so most people have stocked up "just in case"... We probably haven't done enough so hopefully it won't come to that.

And here are the boys cooking their barbecue together :) Yesterday Mitchell told me that the BBQ is just for boys so I couldn't do it (how awfully said I must say) but then he added that some girls do and some girls like to but not Mummy... He got that one right ;)

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